50 YEARS YCC (28/12/2022)

PFF@YCC on the celebration of 50 YEARS YCC, the biggest cultural and artistic event in 2022! Sincere thank you to the Youth Cultural Centre for the invitation and sincere thank you to the directors of the films which will present PFF on 28 December.
You are more then welcome to our distilled 58-minute perfume drop from the Philosophical Film Festival that will represent everything we stand for as a festival. Let ustake you on a one-hour atmospheric and poetic journey through the mountains of Nepal, among the last inhabitants of the highlands who are wondering whether to stay or leave (THE WOODPECKER OF ROTA); on a visually impressive anthropological poem that traces human nature deep into the mythological, in a conversation with the androgynous child (WHEN ANDROGYNOTO DETE); then we will take you on a hallucinogenic journey into the depths of the manic mind in a surreal, retro-futuristic setting (IN MEDIAS RUSH); to then dive together into the impressive minimalist phenomenology of time, consciousness and self of our Milcho Manchevski, an experimental transcendental journey to something very familiar and elusive, which will lead us to those rare and timeless moments when we feel completely one’s own, completely at one’s/one’s own (THE END OF TIME); with the last stop on this collective hypnotic journey somewhere along the coast in Portugal, floating above the banality of speech with two young women in search of their identity (FLOATING).
📌Pocket Cinema YCC
🎉entrance: free!
🎈 THE WOODPECKERS OF ROTHA (Dadyaa, 2016), dir. Pooja Gurung & Bibhusan Basnet (NP/FR), 16’ – Jury Award for Best Short Film – PFF2018
Winner of the Special Jury Award for Cinematography at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and nominated for Best Short Film at the Venice Film Festival in 2016, The Woodpeckers of Rotha is an impressive visual portrait of the last residents in the plateaus of far-away Nepal and their dilemma: to stay with their memories, or to leave (like the others), and leave the memories behind.
🎈 WHEN THE ANDROGYNOUS CHILD (Cuando el niño andrógino, 2019), dir. Melina Pafundi (DE/AR), 9’ – PFF 2020
From the depths of an existential crisis, there is the voice of the androgynous child rising. When the child speaks from his or her androgyny – which is neither truth nor appearance, neither male nor female, but all at once – they will return to the places where they have belonged. Visually impressive anthropological poem that searches for human nature deep in the mythological, to the primordial dismembering of the androgyne and the creation of binary models of an “either-or” behavior.
🎈 IN MEDIAS RUSH (2020), dir. Esben Persson (DK), 15′ – PFF 2021
In a surreal, retro-futuristic ambient, a young man celebrates his birthday with his girlfriend. The dynamic of the events progress in a hallucinogenic journey into the depths of the manic mind, depicting the ambiguous feelings and the constant conflict between the physical and the psychological reality of the main character.
An experimental cinematic journey with a poetic touch whose focal point is the taboos around mental health, anxiety, psychotic disorders, and bipolar disorder in young people.
🎈 THE END OF TIME (Крајот на времето, 2017)
dir. Milcho Manchevski (US/CU), 5’ – PFF 2018
THE END OF TIME is an impressive minimalist phenomenology of time, consciousness and selfhood. Subtle art stratification of the awareness of the duration of a multitude of timelines within a film frame and the distillation of a pure emotion. A sunny Cuban afternoon on a street in San Antonio de los Baños, the fictitious mise-en-scène gradually breaks down, fragmenting into a crystalline pictorial structure with a disrhythmic duration of the whole, a micro-image archipelago with unequal deceleration of the parts. The quest for a fixed point hypnotizes and displaces the normal conditions of the perception of time.
THE END OF TIME, a winner of the prestigious Ellen Award at one of the most renowned short film festivals in Aspen, as well as the award at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival in Czech Republic, is incredibly attractive cinematic and artistic playfulness, an experimental transcendental journey to something we are very familiar with, but in the same time remains very difficult to grasp, to those rare and timeless moments when we feel truly ourselves, truly 𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒.
🎈 FLOATING (Flutuar, 2018), dir. Artur Serra Araújo (PT), 13’ – PFF 2019
As a group of friends plays cards on a balcony overlooking the beach by the ocean, two young women float over the banality of speech and the absurdity of their actions. A film that rejects making clear analogies in its stories and doesn’t pass judgement.
👉 the complete film, music and arts programme on 50 YEARS YCC: https://mkc.mk/event/50-godini-mkc/
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